In Farscape news, John Crighton’s alter-ego actor Ben Browder is the author of tomorrow night’s Farscape. If the teasers are to be believed, expect both a Max Headroom reference and an appearence by Zhaan!

Now that I have a DVD player, I’ve begun snatching up Farscape DVDs like a crack addict. I have the Best of Season 1, the first US Season 2 set and “Exodus from Genesis/Throne for a Loss” discs (I love the actor commentary — Browder and Black are big Farscape geeks too). To further indict me as a luser, I also picked up a few issues of the Farscape magazine which features articles from Exec. Producer David Kemper. Indeed it appears that Farscape is conceived of as a “TV novel,” in a similar way that Babylon 5 (although I don’t know that the whole story is worked out yet). Although some would say that season 4 has had a rocky start, it appears that things may be swinging into high gear now. Yow!

There are a few Farscape conventions coming up (one in New York in September), but that’s over the edge for me.

[Original post and comments.]