For State Secrets, I’m thinking about breaking out the interface into templates. These can be better manipulated by end users. Since I want SS to run on Winders with as little fuss as possible, I want something that PPM will install without fuss. Template Toolkit, my first choice, is unknown to PPM. Bummer. MJD’s Text::Template is not. Here’s a script that morphs Text::Template into something TT-ish. Note that does not get TT syntax with this, but it’s close enough. I present this hear without intelligent comment so that I can find on the web later.

The processor a command line tool

#!/usr/bin/perl --
# See if I can make Text::Template more TT2 like

use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::Template qw(fill_in_file);

use constant TEMPLATES => './templates';
use constant SOURCE    => './src';
use constant CONSTANTS => './templates/constants';

my $infile = (shift @ARGV || "");
while (! $infile || ! -e SOURCE . "/$infile") {
  print "Which file should I process? \n";
  $infile = <>;
  chomp $infile;


my $config = {
              TEMPLATE_DIR => TEMPLATES,
              SOURCE_DIR   => SOURCE,
              # template functions
              include      => \&include,

my $processor = Text::Template->new(TYPE => 'FILE',
                                    SOURCE => SOURCE . "/$infile",
                                    DELIMITERS => ['[%', '%]']

my $text = $processor->fill_in(HASH    => $config,
                               PACKAGE => "__CONSTANTS",
print $text, "\n";
# subs
sub get_constants {
  my ($file) = @_;

  return unless -e $file;

  package __CONSTANTS;
  do($file) or die "Can't parse $file: $@";
  package main;


# includes happen in the templates dir
sub include {
  my ($file, %args) = @_;

  return fill_in_file(TEMPLATES . "/$file", HASH => \%args);



<title>{ $title }</title>



Constants roughly like TT’s ‘config’

$foo = "bar";
# This is a nutty test
%requires = (bar => 1, b =>2);

$sam = [0,3,5];

sub hairy {
  "I like beans!\n";

Source File <p>hello.html

[% include('header', title => 'hello') %]
Hello, [% $foo %]

Hello, [% hairy() %]
[% include('footer') %]

[Original post and comments.]