Break: in progress

[UPDATE]:Check out this page about tPete’s second album. Very interesting.

Despite this annoying ad campaign, I’m treating myself to a new computer. It’s a Dell Dimension 4400 (P4 1.7Ghz; 512M; 40Gb). It’ll come with Windows XP, but why will people buy it? Sure, new PC owners won’t have a choice, but maybe they’ll buy the cheap Xbox and get all the functionality they need. Where will that leave Windows, the jewel of the Microsoft’s product line? In a museum.

But how does this relate to Mundie’s comments? Linux is already “eating Microsoft’s lunch” in the server market. Microsoft needs consumers to believe that Open Source software is yours to keep. As Microsoft uses web services to finely control application usage to only licensed users, Open Source software’s consumer value will begin to become wildly attractive to IT departments strapped for cash. The Big Lie Microsoft needs you to believe is that every software upgrade they sell will make your life better. In fact, the only ones confused are the turists. Also of note was the security around the Capital building. I knew that I wasn’t going tto follow a strict regiment for 10 months without some deviations. Like I said, I’m lazy and not into pain.

My exercise started very modestly. I think I can learn flash well enough to do this. Perhaps SVG also has tight integration between audio

(Brought to by jjohn’s MarkovBlogger (™): If it makes sense, it’s not MarkovBlogger (™).)

[Original use.perl.org post and comments.]