I loathe crackers. Not just the salty kind. Not the pejorative slang word for white people. The crackers I hate are the punks that contribute
nothing positive or creative for the Internet community. Thugs with
electronic bricks. I’ve never found computer security all that engrosing.
I’ve never felt urge to comprimize other people’s machines and set up IRC
bots so that I can “get channel ops.” Such a waste of my time it is to clean
up after them. Here’s what I’ve pieced together and what I’ve done to
prevent this from happening again. Perhaps someone else will find this useful.
Last Thursday or Friday, I changed over my home’s net connection from DSL to Comcast’s cable modem service. The change-over went smoothly. I had no trouble adjusting my Linksys firewall for the new connection. Recall that one difference between DSL service and cable modem service is that cable modem users are on the same network segment. This will become omniously relevant later.
Last night, as most people were watching the “Stupor Bowl,” I was watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. And drinking a fine bottle of Bunnahabhain 12 year-old scotch. Little did I know that at 6:56PM, some turd-burger from (an IP apparently associated with a german ISP) waltzed in uninvited to my main linux box (RedHat 7.3) using ssh. Yes, I knew about the root exploit for the version of ssh on that box. However, it doesn’t appear that this kind of exploit was used. Note the this portion of my last log:
jjohn pts/6 Sun Feb 1 22:51 - 22:56 (00:04) jjohn pts/2 Sun Feb 1 19:25 - 19:26 (00:01) jjohn pts/2 Sun Feb 1 18:56 - 18:59 (00:02)
My best guess is that the loser used my username and password against me,
in a kind Internet
maneuver. Oddly,
I found no record of commands issued by the interloper in .bash_history (my
shell). A casual vetting of netstat resulted in the discovery of a new server
process called ‘join,’ started from my home directory. I found no additional
cron jobs or user accounts. The checksum of /bin/login matched that of an
uncomprimized host. How could this have possibly happened? I (unfairly)
blame the Erics Raymond and Allman.
I like command line mail programs. mail. pine. mutt. It’s all good.
I trace this fondness back to my inculcation into computers at UMass/Boston,
whose CompSci program started students on an ol’ skool VAX system.
I like piping the output of a program to mail. I like grepping through
mboxes. I enjoying laughing at the impotency of messages containing
Windows-afflicting viruses. To this end I
collect email from my various accounts with Raymond’s fetchmail and good old
insecure POP3. fetchmail sends login credentials across the wire in plain
7-bit ASCII with life-affirming machismo. Ashewing crypto, the use of the
POP3 protocol in today’s terror-alert world defiantly proclaims to all “I’m
living like it’s 1982, biznatch!”
To make matters worse, I’ve recently configured sendmail on my public relay
host (aliensaliensaliens.com) to use the SASL authentication layer. This is a
good thing (because it prevents naughty spammers from using A3 like a
cheap harlot), but I didn’t get around to setting up TLS. This means that,
you guessed it, my credentials for A3 were also getting sent in plain text
across the wire.
In my defense I must invoke the computer Barbie defense.
«Secure POP is hard! Configuring sendmail with STARTTLS/SASL is hard!»
Let me also jump ahead of my story to defend my system administrating virility and state that I have now successfully frobbed sendmail into using STARTTLS and created secure SSH2 tunnels for POP3 to travel through.
Even otherwise burly admin types I know will, when cornered and plastered
with liquor, admit to their angst whenever they have to battle sendmail. The
trouble doesn’t squarely lie with sendmail, but rather with sendmail’s
opaque documentation. It’s a nasty piece of work. It’s not that
the docs are wrong, slim or poorly organized. In fact, much of the sendmail
documentation is clear, professional and to the point. However, and I can’t
stress this point enough, it was written by Martians, for Martians.
By this I mean that the docs do not have a task-oriented organization that
can be readily consumed by a human sys admin. Precisely what the guiding
principal is to the layout of the sendmail docs I cannot say, not being
Quick: what are three venerable and popular unix programs come with copious, but unusable documentation? Feel free to write in your answers, but here are mine: Sendmail, BIND and Emacs.
Anyways, back to the break-in.
A careful look at the login history log reproduced above will show that
the trespasser logged in as ‘jjohn,’ which is my preferred account name.
Typically software exploits that produce ‘root’ shells don’t show up in wtmp
logs. Also, why use the ‘jjohn’ account? I believe the answer is that name
would have been observed frequently by anyone sniffing the traffic leaving my
cable modem. Recall that whenever I sent or received email, I “broadcast” my
credentials (yes, I tend to use the same username and password for
less-than-critical systems)
So if someone could sniff the traffic leaving my modem, they could easily compromise my system (which forwarded the publicly accessible port 22 to my internal linux box). But how? I ran with this same mail configuration for four years on my DSL. How could I get hacked within four days on switching to the cable modem? The answer is that my network segment was probably already comprised when I joined it. I know that cable modem networks are attractive targets for intruders. Not only are machines connected via cable modems on a fast pipe, but also their owners are typically naive (guilty), slothful (guilty), and stupid (no comment). More seductively, the shared network segment of cable modems allows one compromised machine to spy on the traffic of its neighboring PCs.
To put this in less technical terms, I moved from the relative monogamy of DSL service to the Paris Hilton-like fealty of cable modem life. And I made this switch without first buying technological rubbers. Sigh.
The resulting infection manifested as an IRC bot, called emech. Here are some of the configuration files, which I publish here in the fond hope that someone will recognize this fucktard and slap him (and yes, I believe it’s a him) repeated about the head and neck.
# file: mech.set ENTITY l0ol LINKPASS 12345 LINKPORT 1235 AUTOLINK NICK `johy LOGIN john IRCNAME john USERFILE `1.users MODES +i-ws CMDCHAR - TOG SPY 1 TOG CC 1 TOG CLOAK 1 SET OPMODES 6 SET BANMODES 6 CHANNEL #gheorg SERVER stockholm.se.eu.undernet.org 6667 SERVER flanders.be.eu.undernet.org 6667 SERVER eu.undernet.org 6667
# mech.session entity l0ol linkpass 12345 linkport 1235 autolink nick lotus}{ login john ircname john modes i userfile `1.users set BANMODES 6 set OPMODES 6 tog SPY 1 channel #Erlangen channel #robby channel #caras-severin channel #carasseverin channel #skorpion server stockholm.se.eu.undernet.org 6667 server flanders.be.eu.undernet.org 6667 server eu.undernet.org 6667
# `1.users &ly;-- note the 133t backtick handle Skorpion mask *!*@Eifel65.users.undernet.org prot 4 aop channel * access 100
# `johy.seen <-- whoa! There it is again! This guy rulz! ^Bogdan^ ^Bogdan^!~bogdan@bobo007.users.undernet.org none 1075726402 2 Quit: I'm just an illusion!!! {|___E|} {|___E|}!~E@bittet.um.eine.tafel.e-schokola.de none 1075711128 2 *.net *.split ZeeN` ZeeN`!Elite@what.a-wanna.be none 1075723606 3 ZeeN vio45 vio45!~vio_45@hamerock.nextra.ro none 1075714606 1 #skorpion Templeton Templeton!~luci@ none 1075698114 2 *.net *.split Torero Torero!~lolex@dialin-145-254-118-150.arcor-ip.net none 1075719060 2 Quit: 9,1mIRC Script RO v2.0 8,1download---> 11,12www.drunkenkillerz.go.ro Tr|v|a` Tr|v|a`!~Tr|v|a@excitatu.users.undernet.org none 1075710920 2 Read error: Connection reset by peer TCM TCM!~atractiv@Atractiv.users.undernet.org none 1075723654 2 Quit TACO^ TACO^!~Statia8@ none 1075724628 1 #caras-severin Skorpion Skorpion!~Eifel65@server.tc.ut.ee none 1075710242 2 Registered S-R-I S-R-I!iulius@SR1.Biz none 1075708216 3 SRI Stylee Stylee!~Style@Cornelia.users.undernet.org none 1075705120 2 Quit SRI SRI!iulius@SR1.Biz none 1075708340 2 Read error: EOF from client Statia8 Statia8!~Statia8@ none 1075716631 1 #caras-severin sharpe`` sharpe``!~sharpe@MrSharpe.users.undernet.org none 1075718615 2 Quit: pa Statia5 Statia5!~Statia5@ none 1075724411 3 My}{ALL` Statia1` Statia1`!~Statia1@ none 1075720455 3 Ady15 Statia4 Statia4!~Statia4@ none 1075721178 3 groparuu Soapte Soapte!~Lam3rz.Ro@ZmeuFairfax.users.undernet.org none 1075721898 1 #caras-severin Statia4` Statia4`!~Statia4@ none 1075722317 3 enk SirQ SirQ!~maciucara@ none 1075723137 2 Quit: Be Right Back !!! samira17^ samira17^!samira@PowerPopGirl.users.undernet.org none 1075724222 2 Read error: Connection reset by peer scumpykul scumpykul!~scumpykul@godzillla.users.undernet.org none 1075724481 3 _ImhoteP_ sandyGIRL sandyGIRL!~sandy@SANDYgirl.users.undernet.org none 1075727326 2 Quit: byebye redshadow redshadow!~redshadow@ none 1075724279 2 Registered Ramyrez Ramyrez!~ramona@ none 1075698114 2 *.net *.split R2-D2 R2-D2!Connex@R2D2.users.undernet.org none 1075711055 2 Read error: EOF from client Raf`y Raf`y!~Rep@ none 1075696177 2 Read error: Connection reset by peer Robby^}{^ Robby^}{^!~Robby@ none 1075701818 2 Registered Robby`}{` Robby`}{`!~Robby@ none 1075720179 2 Read error: EOF from client pisuka pisuka!~pisuka@ none 1075719930 2 Read error: Connection reset by peer pentru`98 pentru`98!sfdfdsa@ none 1075711137 1 #caras-severin Protect_1 Protect_1!~atractiv@Secrete.users.undernet.org none 1075714898 2 Read error: Connection reset by peer portos portos!TeBlestem@portos2004.users.undernet.org none 1075715428 1 #skorpion papalapte papalapte!666@ none 1075719315 3 disel parazituu parazituu!~Statia4@ none 1075727252 2 Quit ozu ozu!baltoc@ none 1075700128 2 Quit: 2I'm using 7-=mIRC-GOLD=- 2By Kaptein (http://welcome.to/mirc-gold Ozzy_Fly Ozzy_Fly!cd@ none 1075715097 1 #caras-severin Nicola`` Nicola``!romania@ich.bin.co0l.de none 1075722781 1 #carasseverin november` november`!~dfsd@ none 1075713738 2 Signed off manu_BB manu_BB!identNou@ none 1075722369 1 #skorpion mirciu mirciu!~Statia5@ none 1075722359 2 Read error: EOF from client MADD MADD!DASuser@ X!cservice@undernet.org 1075721880 4 (Atractiv) out My}{ALL` My}{ALL`!~Statia5@Atractiv.users.undernet.org none 1075727018 2 Quit: brb LongDonG LongDonG!~stxx@st3.3f.net4you.ro none 1075696122 2 Quit L|tleBlak L|tleBlak!~sile@flood.attaq.net none 1075721628 2 Registered ls361 ls361!~skorpion1@Skorpion1.users.undernet.org none 1075698114 2 *.net *.split LitleBig LitleBig!~aaaaaa@ none 1075715472 2 Quit: auzisi grasule te ia draq daca numi zici maine ce joci :) o zi buna Laddy_Z Laddy_Z!~Dihania@ none 1075722121 2 Quit Lock^^6 Lock^^6!LittleBoy@courier.users.undernet.org none 1075723557 1 #carasseverin Johnnyd Johnnyd!~JohnnyD@cblmdm63-166-33-8.buckeye-express.com none 1075724374 2 Read error: Connection reset by peer J0HNNY377 J0HNNY377!~JohnnyD@c66.169.193.115.ts46v-19.ftwrth.tx.charter.com none 1075698114 3 J0HNNYD jejejejej jejejejej!~io@ none 1075699413 2 Read error: EOF from client IIIusion IIIusion!romania@port3.ts04.dialup.hannover.mops.net none 1075706062 2 Read error: Operation timed out Inocenta` Inocenta`!ef@ none 1075722480 2 Quit: Uf ce mam saturat de tot de ce mai sufera omu`? de ce sa mai crezi in dragoste daca ea doare?.....mdea` cred ca a inceput sa imi placa durerea si sa o vreau in viata mea ..Doamne unde esti? te caut dar nu te gasesc in lumea asta rea unde esti tu cel care ma va iubi pana la capat si promit ca iti voi da totul! IRemenber IRemenber!~Lam3rz.Ro@ZmeuFairfax.users.undernet.org A_Dany!fg3ea@danebunu.users.undernet.org 1075723717 4 Fain vorbeshti bha....ia cauta-ne pe status..!! Hairstyle Hairstyle!romania@Hairstyle.users.undernet.org none 1075711128 2 *.net *.split Hyper`Pen Hyper`Pen!~Karakter@ none 1075707849 2 Ping timeout harivena harivena!~Statia5@ none 1075715091 1 #caras-severin gruia gruia!~logojan_g@ none 1075726343 1 #skorpion freak_ freak_!paulica@shell10.powershells.de none 1075710890 3 freak freak freak!paulica@shell10.powershells.de none 1075711080 2 Killed (*.undernet.org (older nick overruled)) FlasHack FlasHack!south@FlashHack.users.undernet.org none 1075726196 2 Quit: eu numai pot deja ma duc la baie FellOwes FellOwes!~bigvasa@ none 1075724805 2 Quit enk enk!~Statia4@ none 1075725474 3 parazituu DARxIDE DARxIDE!~dxd@darxid3.users.undernet.org none 1075708201 3 DARKSIDE- DesKjet DesKjet!~Karakter@ none 1075707867 2 Ping timeout Delfinu` Delfinu`!~Delfinu@ none 1075714898 2 Read error: Connection reset by peer dadycool dadycool!~dady@ none 1075717476 2 Registered DADDYzZz_ DADDYzZz_!~aiurea@www.adler-law.com none 1075712081 1 #carasseverin Delfinu`` Delfinu``!~Delfinu@ none 1075718016 2 Signed off Diana}{^ Diana}{^!south@DianaLove.users.undernet.org none 1075718835 1 #caras-severin disel disel!666@ none 1075719928 2 Read error: Connection reset by peer dream1703 dream1703!seanjohn4l@tntwc01-3-236.idx.com.au none 1075723646 1 #carasseverin DaYaNa__s DaYaNa__s!Standasads@com3.combatnet.tveurosat.ro none 1075724470 2 Signed off Dihania Dihania!~Statia8@ none 1075724622 3 TACO^ doggyy doggyy!~ovidiurot@ none 1075726107 2 Read error: EOF from client Delu^ Delu^!levente_@ none 1075726171 2 Read error: EOF from client candito candito!candito@ none 1075700644 1 #carasseverin ChimpMama ChimpMama!~chimp@cm108.gamma54.maxonline.com.sg none 1075711404 1 #carasseverin Contele_D Contele_D!~user@ none 1075715290 2 Quit cychi cychi!cyber14@ none 1075717953 1 #caras-severin c0sti c0sti!~cagulici@ToSexY4u.users.undernet.org A_Dany!fg3ea@danebunu.users.undernet.org 1075724524 4 Reclamele pe status...OUT Babi Babi!romania@tserv04.mops.net none 1075723035 2 EOF from client BrUne|a BrUne|a!jackson@will.dein.e-schokola.de none 1075711128 2 *.net *.split BAD-B0Y BAD-B0Y!admin@carolrudi.users.undernet.org none 1075707603 2 Quit Best-girl Best-girl!media@ none 1075716359 2 Signed off bobo1 bobo1!S6@ none 1075723111 2 Read error: EOF from client besinoasa besinoasa!~5THG5T@ X!cservice@undernet.org 1075724204 4 (FlashHack) out fa bla_r bla_r!6rtyr@ none 1075724938 2 Ping timeout BigVasa BigVasa!~bigvasa@sarutok.users.undernet.org none 1075726786 2 Read error: Operation timed out A-T-B A-T-B!romania@loves.the.quake-net.org none 1075711128 2 *.net *.split abgar abgar!candgj@home-326185.galati.astral.ro none 1075710101 1 #Erlangen Ady15 Ady15!~Statia1@ none 1075724832 1 #caras-severin Adi}{ Adi}{!~st34@aladin18.users.undernet.org none 1075723337 1 #caras-severin ALBERT}{ ALBERT}{!cyber14@ none 1075723381 1 #caras-severin aghiutza_ aghiutza_!aghiutza_@ none 1075725905 2 Quit `johy `johy!~john@h00045a218cc4.ne.client2.attbi.com none 1075694253 3 lotus}{ _Raphaell _Raphaell!~DjScorpio@pose.adultplanet.ca none 1075698139 3 Raphaello ___Yo___ ___Yo___!Yo-klq@NBA17.users.undernet.org none 1075723091 2 Quit: bye _ImhoteP_ _ImhoteP_!~scumpykul@godzillla.users.undernet.org none 1075724834 2 Quit: byeeee
On a positive note, here is the perl script I wrote to set up local SSH2 tunnels for POP3 or any other service that would otherwise pass credentials in plain text. Note that you will need to set up a SSH2 private/public key for your local system. This is well documented elsewhere.
#!/usr/bin/perl -- -*-cperl-*- # # create ssh tunnels to send and receive mail securely # loop and sleep to ensure connections use strict; use POSIX qw(setsid); use File::Basename; our $VERBOSE = ($ARGV[0] eq '-v'); our $DEBUG = 0; our $pidfile= '/tmp/ssh-tunnels.pid'; our $piddir = '/tmp/ssh-tunnels'; our $ssh = '/usr/local/bin/ssh'; $SIG{CHLD} = sub {wait()}; # port => realhost my %forwards = (2110 => 'aliensaliensaliens.com:110', 2111 => 'name.withheld.com:110', 2112 => 'shameful.network.provider.com:110', 9080 => 'use.perl.org:80', ); my $action = pop @ARGV; my %dispatch = ( stop => \&stop, status => \&status, ); if (defined $dispatch{$action}) { $dispatch{$action}->(); exit; } # otherwise, attempt to start if (getstatus() eq 'running') { warn "Can't start. Already running\n"; exit 1; } unless ($DEBUG) { open STDERR, ">>/tmp/ssh-tunnels.log"; } warn "started: " . localtime() . "\n"; daemonize() unless $DEBUG; while (1) { while (my ($lport, $host) = each %forwards) { if (-e "$piddir/$lport.pid") { my $pid = getpid($lport); if (-e "/proc/$pid/status") { next; } } start_tunnel($lport, $host); } sleep 120; } #------------------- # subs #------------------- sub getpid { my ($port) = @_; my $file = "$piddir/$port.pid"; return unless -r $file; open my $in, $file or die "can't open file: $file\n"; my $pid = <$in>; close $in; ($pid) = ($pid =~ /^(\d+)/); return $pid; } sub setpid { my ($port, $pid) = @_; my $file = "$piddir/$port.pid"; mkdir $piddir unless -d $piddir; open my $out, ">$file" or die "Can't write '$file': $!"; print $out $pid; close $out; } sub getserverpid { return unless -r $pidfile; open my $in, $pidfile or die "can't open pidfile: $pidfile\n"; my $pid = <$in>; close $in; ($pid) = ($pid =~ /^(\d+)/); return $pid; } sub setserverpid { my ($pid) = @_; open my $out, ">$pidfile" or die "Can't write '$pidfile': $!"; print $out $pid; close $out; } sub start_tunnel { my ($lport, $host) = @_; my $cmd = "$ssh -2 -N -L$lport:$host jjohn\@localhost"; if ($VERBOSE) { warn ("starting: '$cmd'\n"); } unless (fork()) { setpid($lport, $$); exec $cmd; } sleep 2; # parent sleeps, kid never sees this line } sub daemonize { close STDIN; close STDOUT; if (fork()) { warn("$$: exiting\n"); exit; } setsid(); open STDIN, ">/dev/null"; open STDOUT, "/dev/null"; setserverpid($$); } sub stop { my $pid = getserverpid(); mykill($pid); print "Killed server: $pid\n"; # stop the tunnels too while (my ($lport, $host) = each %forwards) { $pid = getpid($lport); mykill($pid); print "Killed tunnel: $pid\n"; } } sub mykill { my ($pid) = @_ or return; while (-e "/proc/$pid") { kill -9, $pid; sleep 1; } } sub status { my $pid = getserverpid(); my $status = getstatus($pid); my $name = basename($0); print "$name is $status\n"; } # returns a one-word status for service # 'running', 'stopped' sub getstatus { my ($pid) = @_; # should grep through status to ensure # this is the right process if (-e "/proc/$pid/status") { return "running"; } return "stopped"; }
Please note that although I forward to use.perl.com:80, I’m so far unable to use the SOAP interface to the journals through this tunnel. If anyone was some pointers on doing this, spill the beans in the comment section. One last bit, I’ve turned off all port forwarding on my firewall.